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General Aspects about ERP ENGONUS

To access the platform and therefore the use of our system, you must go to https://app.engonus.es

On the left menu, you can see the general menu, where you can register, log in, open tickets, view tutorials, and hire services for the use of our technology.

If you click on Get Services, you will see in the center of the screen the fields that you must fill out to register for the first time. On the upper left side, if you expand the tab, you can find the necessary fields to log in if you already have a registered account.

If we enter through our login, you can see in the center of the screen the company that we have created in the registration process. From here, you can access your company, update or upgrade your plan, or hire a plan if you have a demo account and wish to access it.

If we access the platform, you will see the general data of the company by clicking on info. It is important not to confuse user data with company data. A user could manage several companies. In this case, you see that on the left side are the company data and on the right the user data.

In the side menu, on the left side, at the top, in companies, you can see the list of companies you manage. If we go into creating a company, you can see the available plans, which you can also hire from this area. You have available at the top all the languages in which you can navigate the system.

In the left side menu, you can see all the functions of our system, products, purchases, sales, POS, and much more. Remember that our system has an APP to manage inventory and that it is synchronized with the web system. It is important that before you start entering products, you configure everything, for example, you will not be able to make an invoice if you do not have clients registered or you will not be able to apply a tax on the sale if you have not previously created a tax. In configuration, you can perform most of the previous settings.

At the top, you will see an icon that is a small bell; if there is any system notification, by clicking on the icon, you can see the notifications, if there are new notifications you will see them in red. Near this icon, there is a shopping basket symbol, this is to access the POS more quickly although you can also access it through the left side menu.