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In this video, we will review the "Products" section of our ERP.

On the left-hand side menu, you can unfold all the sub-functions related to products and inventory.

These functions are:

  • Categories,
  • Product List,
  • Add products,
  • Stock Movement List,
  • Add Stock Movements,
  • Stock Count,
  • Transfers,
  • Print Bar Codes,
  • Print QR Codes,
  • Generate Bar Codes,
  • Generate QR Codes.
  • Categories

  • Product List.

    The product list is a user view that gives us a complete overview of all our assets. Within this screen, you can also perform other actions such as adding products, filtering, and many more. As you can see, for example, we can add a product from this same screen and from the left-hand side menu. Let's add a product.

    The first thing we need to do is to assign a scanning code, which we can make up or take from some predefined code of our own, but we recommend it be the same code as the Product Code and the Product Code itself.

    The product code can be entered manually or generated automatically. Since our system is also prepared to scan RFID tags through our app, this field can be filled in the same way that we recommend that the barcode or QR code matches the product code, here we will say the same, but it will largely depend on the user.

    We can continue filling in all the details, product name, unit type, for example, if the product is a digital product, if it is represented by a batch or is an individual product, the brand, the category. These parameters must be previously configured, for example, you can create the brands or categories, which you can do from the left-hand side menu, in settings or configuration. The product cost of the product, let's say, is the starting price cost of the product, after this price will change, as if there are subsequent purchases of the product at different prices the cost price will be changing.

    The starting sale price, at which you expect to sell it. You can also, optionally, set an alert quantity so that the system will notify you when the inventory of that product reaches those units.

    We must establish what kind of tax we will apply to this product by default, then this can be changed. This can also be predefined in the configuration section. In the tax method, we must select whether the sale price we have set, when used for example on an invoice, you want it to be the price without tax or the price with tax included. If we select the "featured" option, the product will appear in the Counter Sale system, at the Point of Sale "POS".

    The position corresponds to the location of the product within the warehouse. Our App has the ability to introduce the position manually or by scanning since some companies have their warehouse positions coded by means of barcodes or QR.

    We can upload one or several images, and also add a product description. In the product file, we can create variants for the product in question, for example, large, small. It's important to set a price for each variant, in our system you have to put the price difference with respect to the sale price we have previously set, if there is no price variation it is put at 0, otherwise, the price difference is put.

    We have the possibility to add a special price, for example, a discount within a specific date. In this case, we should put the start date of the promotion and the end date.

    This would be a basic product file. If we click "submit," the product will be recorded and appear in the main listing view. From this view, we can edit the product again, delete it, or simply view the product file. We can also print the product sheet.